We Publish Awesome InspirationalBooks
We Publish Awesome InspirationalBooks
Voices - Opensupporting authors and trainers to get their voices heard!
What we do
Open Voices is a project established in 2021 to provide opportunities for authors and trainers to share their knowledge and experience.
Our approach to publishing is based on a hybrid-publishing model. In many aspects, we function just like a traditional publisher, with the key exception that our authors remain in control of their content, including copyright and the receipt of any royalties from their books.
Our books are editorially curated. We do not accept every author who walks through the door. We aim to focus our content around issues of equality, diversity and inclusion - an imprint with an intersectional lens.
We aim to curate books that are progressive and forward thinking! This might be to deepen our understanding of a topic or consider it in a new way. We look to publish books across a broad range of subject areas, including different professional and theoretical perspectives.


We also deliver online courses! We work with trainers and academics who have specialist areas of interest, and support them to turn their content into online courses. These courses are designed to break down challenging topics into interesting learning experiences.
Our courses are designed with professionals in mind, such as social workers, teachers, nurses, counsellors and psychotherapists. However, they can also be accessed by anyone with an interest in the topic.
We understand the challenges of completing regular training and therefore our courses are designed to fit around you and your other commitments.
From time to time we may get asked about our authors and trainers putting on specific events or workshops,.
Any specific requests for training or learning events can be sent to our admin team who will liaise with the relevant author/trainer around these requests.

What we do